CTEVT Question Paper 2074 Of Data Structure And Algorithm | Diploma in IT | Computer Engineering
This is the CTEVT Question of 2074 of Data Structure And Algorithm for the students of faculty Diploma in Information Technology (IT) and Diploma in Computer Engineering. This question paper was for both regular and back students. This question paper was for the second-year first part of the CTEVT course for a diploma in IT/Computer Engineering.
Council Of Technicäl Education And
Vocational Training Office of the Controller of Examinations
Regular/Back Exam-2074, Falgun/Chaitra
Ctevt Sanothimi, Bhaktapur
Program: Diploma in Computer Engg./lnformation Full Marks: 80 Technology
Year/Part: 11/1 (New + Old Course) Pass Marks: 32
Subject: Data structure and Algorithm Time: 3 hrs
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt Any 8 Questions
I. What are the data structure? list down carious approach of data structure? write an algorithm to push and pop [2+2+6] element in stack.
2. Explain Queue as an Abstract data type. write an algorithm to en-queue and de-queue elements from the circular queue. [2+6+21 What are the application of Queue.
3. a) Write an algorithm to insert a node at the front and [3+31 deletion at the last on sing linked list.
-Write down the advantages of doubly-linked listed over [4] singly linked list.
4. a) Explain the concept of a doubly linked list. [41
b) Convert the following infix expression to postfix and prefix expression [3+31
5. What do you mean by binary search tree? draw the BST for 14,15,4,9,7,18,3,5,16,4,20,17,9,14,5 (Show all necessary steps) [3+7]
6. Draw the AVL tree for the following sequence of elements: (8,9,10,2,1,5,3,6,4).
7, What is recursion? write the properties of recursion?
How recursion will be helpful while solving Fibonacci [2+3+51]
8. Explain the bubble sort and insertion sort with an example [101
9. Define the terms hashing and hash function. How do we (101 resolve hash collision?
10. What is the difference between tree and graph? write an algorithm for depth-first traversal and Breath first [4+3+31 traversal.
Good _Luck